Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More on S. Ossetia

Citibank and new $800 billion a turning point in this entire crisis

I'm getting the impression from Larouche that this latest move-- by Paulson-- on Monday and Tuesday-- to try to bailout out Citibank-- due to it's exposure to the quadrillions in derivatives-- is a turning point. Obama was on TV yesterday-- in a press conference making reference to not having a minute to waste- on his plan-- for the economy-- isn't directly addressing this crisis. The president elect doesn't seem to think that the money supply has anything to do with him-- and right now, it doesn't-- but it's supposed to. Things will happen BEFORE Obama takes office that will change the world-- and Obama seems "out of it" to me-- on this account. He doesn't understand the situation-- that there will be no USA to govern if Paulson and Bush continue this money pumping-- it has to stop immediately-- because hyperinflation will destroy us. And it'll crack the world-- all currencies will be affected. At what point wlll Congress and the Senators say-- stop! Are they all bought off? We're being steered over the cliff's edge-- by investment bankers. Who will stop it?

I would urge you the reader to direct your attention to this problem-- and recognize the issue-- the survival of the US and the nation-state system-- and read Larouche's updates and EIR-- and put everything else that you can-- aside in your life right now-- I'll try to assist you in following the situation here. The entire world is under fire in this economic war because banking is international-- and it's not the "US"-- banking has been hijacked by "the pirates" in the City of London-- who are trying to feed their gambling debts of quadrillions-- and they're getting away with it because most of us regular people do not understand high finance. It's not hard-- however-- high finance has become gambling-- essentiaally-- and they're out of control-- and destroying the world in the process. Help me stop them. Read this blog. Spread this report onto the ASU campus. It's easy to print out. Check the URL and log in for updates. In Burlington, print this out and give it to anyone you talk to and converse.

What's with Paulson and Christian Science-- as Larouche exposes here?

I used to read the Chrisitan Science Moniter years ago-- but never understood it's overall point of view. Now, Larouche is exposing Paulson as a Christian Scientist-- which comes across in the report above as something of an expose. Let's look at that--

[+] googel search on Paulson + Christian Science

[+] Paulson loves snakes and animals at the top of the food chain-- and birds of prey. This is a year old article about his interest in that and in Christian Science-- but that doesn't tell us what Christian science "is" yet. Remember, all religions are just another form of politics-- and so you have to ask-- what is the politics of Christian Science?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Larouche club of Vancouver Area, BC Canada

We'll be contacting all the advertisers in the REV to see if they'd like to join.

Larouche Club of Burlington, Ontario

Where can we find new members? What should be member be?

Larouche Club of Ottawa, Ontario Area

Prospective members will be listed soon. Those who turn it down will also be listed-- with the reasons for the turndown.